What’s New in React 19?

What's New in React 19_

The last time React put out a new version was on June 14, 2022, and it was called 18.2.0. In the world of building websites and apps, React is super popular. But it’s been a while since they gave us something new to work with. This made some important people in the React community unhappy.

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Types of Web Hosting Services

Web Hosting Services

Web Hosting Services play an important role in ensuring website performance, speed, and availability. It is a medium for making our website accessible by anyone on the internet.

Because web hosting is such an essential element for powering anything online, there’s also plenty of choices. This can be intimidating. In this article, we will discuss the best web hosting Services.

Before move onto web hosting let us get to know what is Web Hosting Services?

Web hosting is an online service that enables you to publish your website or web application on the Internet. When you sign up for a web hosting service, you basically rent some space on a physical server where you can store all the files and data necessary for your website to work properly.

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Top 10 UI/UX development trends


A website designing is a crucial part of any web application and website. When we design a website UI/UX is one of the most important parts. UI is a User Interface and UX stands for a User Experience. Both of the terms are interwoven and hence it is difficult to define one without the other. Graphics design trends change every year.  The graphic designers have to stay updated with such trends to design stellar websites and graphics to stay on the top of the game. It is 2021 and the UI/UX trends of 2019–2020 are obsolete in 2021. In this article, we will discuss UI/UX development trends.

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Why ReactJS is Gaining Popularity? what is the Benefit of using ReactJS?


When it comes to meeting the needs of modern-day users who expect sleek, interactive, and high-performing web applications, ReactJS is an ideal JavaScript framework owing to its robust JavaScript libraries that can be put to use for quickly developing intuitive UI for web apps. Let’s take a quick look at ReactJS basics and their popularity.

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Best Tailwind CSS Admin Template for your next project in 2024

Tailwind CSS Admin Template

No wonder, that CSS frameworks emerged over time and took most of the pain away. Today we can’t imagine coding without our favorite CSS framework, as targeting multiple screen sizes has become a necessity. In this article, we provide the Best Tailwind CSS Admin Template.

In this article we will discuss Tailwind CSS, Tailwind CSS is different from frameworks like Bootstrap, Foundation, or Bulma because it is not a UI kit, and it does not have default themes or built-in UI components. It is a very powerful framework in terms of customization, of course, if you don’t mind the repetition in your mark-up, because you can make any website you can imagine.

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Difference between Flat Design vs. Material Design

Flat Design vs. Material Design

The new trend emerging every year, we have seen lots of flux in web Designing trend. With all this volatility, it is easy for Designers to get caught up in the latest craze which is Flat Design and Material Design. In this article, we will discuss the most trending Design concepts differences Flat Design vs. Material Design. We will find out the best User Interface Design and what is the difference between them.

Before we go into a discussion about both UI Design, Let’s get to know what is Material Design and Flat Design.

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What’s new in Angular 10 : Update and Feature

Angular 10

A major update of the most popular Angular framework released on 24 June. With two initial beta released of the typescript based platform released in April 2020. The new version mainly focuses on the ecosystem than a feature.

Angular 10 is smaller than angular. The highlight feature of a new version of the date picker, Deprecated support of IE9, IE10. In this article, we will discuss what’s new in Angular 10 for the developer community.

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