Author:  What’s new in Angular 10 : Update and Feature

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A major update of the most popular Angular framework released on 24 June. With two initial beta released of the typescript based platform released in April 2020. The new version mainly focuses on the ecosystem than a feature.

Angular 10 is smaller than angular. The highlight feature of a new version of the date picker, Deprecated support of IE9, IE10. In this article, we will discuss what’s new in Angular for the developer community.

Where to Download Angular 10

You can find the general release of Angular 10 on GitHub. To update your current Angular install, you can run this command:

ng update @angular/cli @angular/core

Major changes in Angular 10

1. Deprecated support of IE 9, 10, and IE mobile

Deprecated support of IE 9, 10, and IE mobile not supported in the latest version of Angular just like  Bootstrap. This comes as a welcoming change for the developers especially for those who wasted countless hours offering support for these old browsers.

2. Typescript 3.8 support

Angular 10 arrives with a typescript 3.9 for improving performance and solve the long list of bugs. In the latest version, we include some changes in order to keep angular update with the javascript ecosystem. For there project layout also updated. It includes the tsconfig.json file to better support IDE5 and builds tooling resolve type and configuration.

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3. New Date Range picker

This is one of the new updates regarding Tools and components in the latest version.

Example of Date Range Picker


To use a new Date Range picker, you can use the mat-date-range-input and mat-date-range-picker component.

4. Warning about commonJS importer

When you include dependency that is picked with CommonJS. It can result in a larger slower application.


If you start seeing the warning for your dependencies, allowing them to change in the ECMA script module bundle.

5. Optional stricker settings

Angular 10 allowing you to create a new workplace using ng new—strict.

It indicates a new project with a new setting that improves maintainability, helps to find an error and allows CLI to perform advanced optimization on your app.

Optional stricker setting
Specifically, the strict flag does the following:

Enables strict mode in TypeScript

  • Turns template type checking to Strict
  • Default bundle budgets have been reduced by ~75%
  • Configures linting rules to prevent declarations of type any
  • Configures your app as side-effect free to enable more advanced tree-shaking

6. Keeping up to date with ecosystem

As usual, we have made a few updates to the dependencies of Angular to stay synchronized with the JavaScript ecosystem.

  • TypeScript bumped to TypeScript 3.9
  • TSLib has been updated to v2.0
  • TSLint has been updated to v6

In Angular 10, you will see a new tsconfig.base.json additional tsconfig.json file for better support IDEs and build tooling resolve type and package configuration.

7. Default browser configuration

Here, show the change of Angular 9 and Angular 10 default settings.


In the default setting of the new version, ES5 is disable to enable this setting to require browser compatibility. Simply add to the browser you need to support in the browserlistrc file.

How to update in Angular 10

For all update information visit and follow the guideline.

To update:

ng update @angular/cli @angular/core

For more article: Click Here

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Ankita Nathani


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