Best HTML Responsive Slider for website


HTML Responsive Slider is one of the most controversial for web design; some designers love it, some hate this. The same goes for web developers; some developers cannot imagine a website without them, whereas some are never used to it.

One of the reasons for the different views because sliders are great instruments for displaying lots of information within a small space, at the same time, they can be SEO-killers, user experience blunders, and destroyers of marketing strategies. Therefore, with such strong arguments for and against, using sliders in web design is always a case of personal preferences.

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Best 20+ free Bootstrap 5 templates

Bootstrap 5 templates

Bootstrap is an open-source framework built-in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, or JavaScript Library for developing a responsive and mobile-friendly website. Bootstrap includes CSS and JS-based design templates for typography, forms, button, and navigation. Recently bootstrap launched the latest version of this framework which is bootstrap 5, it comes with a major change such as remove jQuery support. If you are looking for the best free and premium Bootstrap 5 templates, we have listed the best Bootstrap 5 templates which is easy to use, highly responsive, and customizable.

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10+ Icon font platforms for UIUX Designer

font icon

Icon and resources are basic UI design components for every project. But if you want to create your own icons and font it takes a lot of time as well as finding a perfect icon from thousands of icons also a time-consuming process. Uploading images or photos widely can amplify the loading time of the web.

Web Icon font platforms, on the other hand, offer a new way of utilizing iconography with the same compatibility but much better flexibility. Fonts are basically a set of symbols and include the benefits offered by CSS font properties.

If you’re looking for 100% free Icon font platforms for your website then this post has collected all of the best ones. Each icon pack is totally free with SVG vectors and Webfont formats to include in your stylesheets and web pages.

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Best Figma Design Template 2024

figma design template

Figma is one of the most popular tools used to create functional and high-quality user interface designs for a professional and new designer. Whether you’ve just started using Figma or using it for while you’ve probably noticed that it’s super easy to import Figma templates and UI kits to customize and help speed up your next project. Before finding out the best Figma design template let’s understand the design system concept.

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Best ReactJS Form library for 2024


As our application gets bigger and more complicated, it can be worth to look a third-party library.  React third-party libraries helps you to reduce boilerplate, standardize our code, and simplify complex problems.

Most React applications contain forms. Forms are used to collect data for processing from users. If you are building a React application that contains one or more forms.  If you work with React, you know that it provides a way to handle forms using controlled components. However, it can become tedious with a lot of repetitive code if you build a lot of forms, and you may want to also validate and keep track of the visited fields or form state. To solve this problem a form library is used that helps easy to build forms of varying complexity, with validation and state management.

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How to Implement Tailwind CSS in ReactJS?


Nowadays, in a market plethora of frameworks and awesome libraries have been built to simplify the work of developers to create an intuitive interface. However, quite a lot of them (Bootstrap, Foundation) impose design decisions that are difficult to undo; they come with predefined components, therefore, eliminating the need for dynamic customization. This is the reason why Tailwind CSS is considered to be a good choice for building 21st-century web interfaces. Tailwind CSS, you get to create the components that suit what you want or what you are working on. These components can be created by harnessing the power of the utility-first prowess of Tailwind CSS. In this article, we will learn how to implement Tailwind CSS in ReactJS.

Before starting the implementation process, understand the basics of ReactJS and Tailwind CSS.

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Why ReactJS is Gaining Popularity? what is the Benefit of using ReactJS?


When it comes to meeting the needs of modern-day users who expect sleek, interactive, and high-performing web applications, ReactJS is an ideal JavaScript framework owing to its robust JavaScript libraries that can be put to use for quickly developing intuitive UI for web apps. Let’s take a quick look at ReactJS basics and their popularity.

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Best Tailwind CSS Admin Template for your next project

Tailwind CSS Admin Template

No wonder, that CSS frameworks emerged over time and took most of the pain away. Today we can’t imagine coding without our favorite CSS framework, as targeting multiple screen sizes has become a necessity. In this article, we provide the Best Tailwind CSS Admin Template.

In this article we will discuss Tailwind CSS, Tailwind CSS is different from frameworks like Bootstrap, Foundation, or Bulma because it is not a UI kit, and it does not have default themes or built-in UI components. It is a very powerful framework in terms of customization, of course, if you don’t mind the repetition in your mark-up, because you can make any website you can imagine.

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What is a UI Design System? How to Create a Design System?

ui design system

Design systems have become a key part of every company. Companies like Airbnb, Uber, and IBM have changed the ways they design digital products by incorporating their own unique UI Design System.

By utilizing a collection of repeatable components and a set of standards guiding the use of those components, each of these companies has been able to change the pace of creation and innovation within their teams.

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Difference between Flat Design vs. Material Design

Flat Design vs. Material Design

The new trend emerging every year, we have seen lots of flux in web Designing trend. With all this volatility, it is easy for Designers to get caught up in the latest craze which is Flat Design and Material Design. In this article, we will discuss the most trending Design concepts differences Flat Design vs. Material Design. We will find out the best User Interface Design and what is the difference between them.

Before we go into a discussion about both UI Design, Let’s get to know what is Material Design and Flat Design.

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