Author:  React Resources for a beginner developer

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React is the most popular and trending front end development platform. React was developed by Jordan walke; it is an open-source JavaScript library to create a user interface. It was initially developed by Facebook and now maintains all open source contributor. React was first implemented by facebook newsfeed in 2011, the same concept followed by Instagram in 2012. here are some react resources for a beginner developer.

React allows developers to create a large application. This allows users to change data during runtime without reloading or refresh the page to a similar page.

How does React work?

React works by changing the DOM of the page and renders any changes that are made to the DOM during the interaction/update of the page. These DOM changes can be done by a user or automatically by the system. It detects the changes made to the DOM and only updates those specific changes; this makes it fast for dynamic websites as only a small portion of the HTML code is changed without reloading the full webpage.

Why developers choose ReactJS?

React is simple and easy to use as well as all know it’s the ideal option for you to utilize if your application requires a modular front end. Below are some best React resources & dashboard templates to help you out. Developer who wants to build fast and lightweight design, it’s most useful. Let’s find out the best React Resources:

Best React Resources



Reactstrap is Easy to use React Bootstrap 4 components compatible with React. It provides prebuilt Bootstrap 4 components that allow a great deal of flexibility and prebuilt validation. This allows us to quickly build beautiful forms that are guaranteed to impress and provide an intuitive user experience.

Apex React chart


These are stunning and ready to use charts. You can use this chart in your project to show up statics data effectively.

React bootstrap table 2


It is a next-generation React bootstrap table that comes with great functionalities like sorting, row selection, cell editor, and row expand column flier pagination, and more. It is very easy to configure and customize.

React redux


React Redux is the official React binding for Redux. It lets your React components read data from a Redux store, and dispatch actions to the store to update data.

Axios – API calls


Based on HTTP client for the browser and node.js. a promise-based HTTP client that works both in the browser and in a Node.js environment. It provides a single API for dealing with XMLHttpRequests and the node’s HTTP interface. Besides that, it wraps the requests using a polyfill for ES6 new’s promise syntax.

Helpful – React Design Patterns Every Developer Should Know

Redux thunk


Redux Thunk is middleware, which allows you to write action creators that return a function instead of an action. It can be used to delay the dispatch of action or to dispatch only if a certain condition is met.

Free and premium React admin dashboard

Able pro


Able pro is a stunning and fully responsive admin templates. It contains a ready-to-use feature package and provides a flexible solution to every problem. Able pro comes with a one-click change light-dark layout and set of components for the unlimited creativity of the user.

Able pro comes with an 11+ menu option and 100+ external plug-in. one of the best features is it has a live customizer option which can reflect the change immediately. It also includes easy navigation and useful animation feature.

Elite able


Elite able is one of the most comprehensive admin templates. It comes with flexible design and structure coding. It includes the high feature-rich pages layout and a bunch of the components to make your work easier. It’s compatible with all major browsers such as chrome, Mozilla, and devices such as a mobile, tablet.

Elite able includes 200+ pages, 14+ layout options. The template is compatible with all devices and adjusts the layout according to device size. The template is fully SEO optimize, as a result, it loading fast on the browser.

Datta able


Datta able is one of the most used React templates having an excellent support system and browser compatibility. It is free for single-use, but you have to pay a certain charge for multiple usages. The user doesn’t need any documentation for installing. This template in their system developing apps with the help of data able template becomes very easier.

Datta able to include 130+ page layout and 30+ layouts as well as include a complete UI kit for flexible development and high-performance engaging website.

Read more article – Vue vs Angular – Which is good for your web app?

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Ankita Nathani


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