Author:  What is the URL? Step to find WordPress login URL?

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URL is one of the terms that describe an address of the website page this is a general concept. in this article, we discuss the URL concept in depth and find out some interesting facts. So, let’s dig in.

What is the website URL?

URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. URL is the address of the website. It is determined where the is a site located in the World Wide Web(www).



The first part of the URL is the protocol. It is a language that computer uses to communicate with one another. On the internet website generally used HTTP or the secure HTTP(https). Other lesser-known protocols are FTP, IMAP.


A domain is a second part of the URL, it’s known as the domain name. you can consider domain name is a nickname of the website.

Let’s take an example. Your browser needs an actual IP address to access a website. IP address is It’s complex to remember. To solve this complexity domain name is used. When you enter the domain name it send the Domain Name System(DNS). It translates Domain Name into IP.


The 3rd section of the URL is a path of the specific webpage, which shows that in which page currently you are accessing. It can be page, post, file, or just any type of contain. Website contains a ton of file from images of a different kind of HTML and more. So, browser need what it wants to load.

Additional components of URL

  • Sub Domain
  • Port

Step to find WordPress login URL

Let’s see the word press login page


Method to find the WordPress login URL

Finding your WordPress login URL should be straightforward. In most cases, it depends on how you install WordPress.

find url

Default WordPress login URL

Regular WordPress installation, you can usually locate your login page using one of the following URL structure


Sub-directory WordPress login URL

The WordPress login page exactly works the same whether you install it directly on your root directory or subdirectory. The URL structure change in the latter case.


Sub-domain WordPress login URL

If you are looking for a subdomain instead of the subdirectory. Your WordPress login URL should be like this.

  1. Subdomain/
  2. Subdomain/
  3. Subdomain/

Custom WordPress login URL

Some WordPress using custom URL for security purposes. The idea is that not using the default URL structure to protect your self against the virus.

For a security point of view, a custom login URL is an excellent idea. Some WebHost will set up a custom login URL for a new user.

How to keep safe your WordPress login?

Previously, we discuss how to secure a website using a custom URL. There are 2 way you can go to:

  1.  Modify .htaccessfile
  2.  Use a plug-in such as WPH hiden login

For the customization .htaccessfile modify can be a bit tricky., you can change your login URL directly from your dashboard setting page. Simply add a new URL, save the change.

If you want to secure your login, implement two-factor authentication. This feature is an excellent way to protect your website against cyber attacks.

What you do if you forget your password?

Once you create a login page. You can get login detail (such as Username, Password). If in case you lost your password you can recover it via 2 methods.

  1. Reset password using phpMyAdmin
  2. Use WP-CLI to reset password


There are many factors to find your login page. There are many factor impact your WordPress login URL structure.

Default WordPress login URL:

Sub-directory WordPress login URL:

Sub-Domain WordPress login URL:

Custom WordPress login URL: Whatever you want to keep it.

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Ankita Nathani


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