Figma has become the preferred design tool for many UX/UI designers due to its collaborative capabilities and robust functionality. However, what actually separates Figma is its wide ecosystem of plugins, which may speed up your design process and boost workflow efficiency.
In this article, we’ll look at the 47+ best Figma plugins for improving the design process in 2024
Fast Isometric
Fast Isometric is a Figma plugin that lets you quickly create isometric designs using a number of tools and templates, making it easier to create stunning three-dimensional visuals and interfaces.
You can preview responsive design layouts within a Figma frame. It works with or without the plugin box open, and the best feature is that any member of your team can resize the frame without having to install the plugin.
Relume is a powerful Figma plugin that simplifies the process of creating color palettes and gradients from within your creative environment. This plugin is great for designers who want to explore and implement logical color schemes easily.
Zeplin is a powerful handoff and organization tool. You can simply develop user flows and organize your design files using variants to keep desktop, tablet, and mobile screens in one place. Zeplin additionally produces design tokens using the colors and fonts in your designs.
Musho AI
It employs AI-powered technology to make realistic mockups, allowing users to view designs with lifelike details. Musho converts your prompts into nearly-complete, development-ready websites with easy layouts, excellent copy, and stunning graphics.
Feather Icons
Feather Icons is an icon library that includes some basic icons. This is an excellent plugin despite the fact that it contains far fewer icons than other icon plugins.
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Adds minor animation elements to Figma designs for interactive prototypes, improving the user experience and engagement. Use it to create on-brand animated user interfaces, movies, social media posts, websites, apps, logos, and more.
A magical design tool for Figma that uses AI. Design using AI to accomplish everything from copywriting to creating unique iconography from text. Each magic spell assists you in expanding your creativity and imagination while you design.
Fit Curve
In Figma, the Fit Curve plugin allows you to generate curves with a smooth curvature. It has an easy-to-use interface with circular buttons and a slider that allows you to precisely change the length of the handles on Bezier curve segments.
LottieFiles for Figma revolutionizes animation creation, allowing designers to easily transform their designs into Lottie animations. This robust feature can handle everything from simple animations to multi-frame and multi-variant element sequences.
Draw Connector
Draw Connector is an expensive Figma plugin that lets you create ideal orthogonal connections between layers by modifying borders, connector terminals, stroke color, width, style, and more.
Remove BG
Remove BG is a Figma plugin that removes the backdrop from photographs with a single click. You may easily make backgrounds transparent (PNG) or add a white backdrop to a photograph.
Vector to 3D
This plugin turns text and vector nodes into 3D models with a single click! The transformed models will be automatically inserted and rendered using GPU ray tracing. It can be used to create a nice 3D icon, text, or other 3D-style pictures without the need for a 3D specialist.
WebP Exporter
Export any picture as.webP. You can select your favorite resolution. Easy folder structure that matches your Android or web app. Define your own naming scheme or simply convert it to lowercase.
With Photopea’s integration, you can edit photographs right within Figma, making quick modifications and additions without leaving the design environment.
Icon8 Background Remover
Icon8 Background Remover Removes backgrounds from icons and photos effortlessly, resulting in refined graphics for design projects.
Variables Pro
Variables Pro effectively manages and applies variables throughout designs, allowing for consistent updates and iterations throughout projects.
Delete Hidden Layers
Delete Hidden Layer Deletes hidden layers in Figma files with a single click, keeping design workspaces organized and clear.
Repeater Effect
Choose any of your shapes and create really cool effects that may be utilized in brand materials, blog post photos, or anything else that makes sense.
Iconify is the Figma plugins biggest icon library. Iconify includes over 100 icon sets with over 100,000 icons that can be imported into Figma documents as vector shapes.
Material Theme Builder
The Material Theme Builder allows you to customize and apply Material Design themes directly in the Figma environment. It is intended for designers who want to retain consistency and adherence to Material Design concepts throughout their UI projects..
Story by Freepik
Story by Freepik Allows you to use high-quality images and graphics from Freepik right within Figma, expanding your visual storytelling capabilities.
Wannathis generates placeholder text and images rapidly to populate designs, which speeds up the prototype process.
Fast Isometric
Fast Isometric is a Figma plugin that lets you quickly create isometric designs using a number of tools and templates, making it easier to create stunning three-dimensional visuals and interfaces.
With the click of a button, you may create organic blob shapes. Every shape that is generated is distinct from the last. You may decide how unique a shape is and how many points it has.
Animated Emojis
Animated Emojis Incorporates humorous animated emojis into designs to improve user interaction and engagement in prototypes.
3D Transformer
3D Transformer Easily transforms 2D objects into 3D pieces within Figma, adding depth and realism.
Unsplash is a Figma plugin that gives you access to over 3 million free high-resolution photos to use directly in your creations. The Unsplash License permits photos to be freely used in both commercial and personal applications.
Simply select a device and frame, and your design will appear on the screen. The Mockup plugin includes a collection of high-quality and popular mockups, making it the quickest method to incorporate a mockup into your project.
Table Creator
Create custom-styled tables that can be resized, altered, and adjusted automatically based on content. Modifying the components gives you control over the design of your tables.
QoQo QR codes are generated immediately within Figma and seamlessly integrated into designs, making them excellent for mobile app prototypes and marketing materials.
Foundation Color Generator
Foundation Color Generator Uses complex algorithms to generate cohesive color palettes, resulting in harmonious color schemes for designs.
Fig 3D
Figure 3D adds depth and perspective to drawings with 3D features, increasing visual appeal and realism.
Oblique is a versatile Figma plugin that enhances design presentations. This plugin provides a distinct perspective that adds depth and visual appeal to static drawings, making it excellent for displaying architectural layouts, product designs, and more.
Pretty Shadow
Pretty Shadow improves shadows and depth in designs with configurable choices, resulting in realistic and visually pleasing compositions.
Shadowkit provides access to a library of shadow styles that may be easily applied to designs to improve depth and visual hierarchy.
FigMotion incorporates motion and animation effects into Figma prototypes, bringing concepts to life through interactive aspects.
SVG Motion
SVG Motion allows you to create stunning animations for your product straight in Figma. The SVG motion plugin animates vectors that contain solid lines. It allows you to select and customize animations to reflect your originality and style.
Flaticon is a Figma plugin that gives you access to the most extensive icon collection, with millions of icons to search and filter through, add as components, and apply modifications across the entire design system.
Brandfetch creates brand assets and guidelines right in Figma, assuring consistency and harmony with brand standards.
Chart is Figma’s most powerful plugin, allowing you to build 18 different types of charts from actual or random data. Chart accepts copy-paste from editors such as Excel, Numbers, and Google Sheets.
3D Wave
3D Wave incorporates dynamic 3D wave patterns into designs for a modern and visually appealing look.
Simple sort
Simple Sort easily organizes and sorts layers and objects in Figma, increasing workflow efficiency and structure.
Select layer
Select Layer easily chooses and navigates layers within Figma files, reducing time and increasing productivity.
UI faces
UI Faces replaces placeholder avatars and user profiles in designs to improve realism and context in prototypes.
Hue Hue
This Figma plugin generates a dynamic, accessibility-first color palette for your Figma design systems. These HSL color modifications allow you to change the hue, saturation, and brightness values of many selected objects at once.
Auto Documentation
With a single click, this plugin records all of the color and font types for you. It automatically generates design documentation and requirements within Figma, ensuring project handoffs are clear and accurate.
Ruri Splines
Adding the gradient along the route effect to any curve allows you to create high-quality splines, forms, and spots. With around 250+ handcrafted and fully adjustable curves and colors, you’ll have endless possibilities for combining.
Base Gallery
With the Figma plugin for Base Styles, you are able to effortlessly incorporate your brand resources into your Figma designs. Install this Figma plugin and enter your API key to access your brand library.
Mobbin browses and inserts UI components and designs from Mobbin right into Figma, which speeds up UI design and development.
Wrapping It Up
These best Figma plugins provide a wide range of features, from accessing design resources and automating chores to improving accessibility and transforming designs into production-ready code that can significantly boost your productivity and creativity as a designer. Experiment with several plugins to find the ones that best fit your needs, and see as your design process becomes more efficient and enjoyable.